The Albatros Beratungszentrum Brandenburg
The "Albatros Beratungszentrum in Brandenburg" project, which is run by Albatros gGmbH, aims to promote the integration of refugees and migrants in Brandenburg under the motto "Improve arrival, simplify integration, enable participation" and at the same time support social integration work in the state. The project will run until August 31, 2027 and is 90% funded by the European Union's Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) in the amount of EUR 4.42 million. In addition, the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Integration and Consumer Protection of the State of Brandenburg has pledged co-financing totaling EUR 594,130 for the project measures.
The four project measures that the Albatros Counselling Center will implement are aimed at facilitating integration, improving participation and supporting social integration work in the country. As part of project measure 1, native-language psychosocial counselling will be provided. These support clients in effectively dealing with stressful psychosocial factors. Project measure 2 aims to identify any special protection needs due to psychological distress as part of diagnostic interviews. Project measure 3 provides health advice in the mother tongue. Here, information is provided on the German healthcare system and specific health issues (e.g. vaccinations). Project measure 4 is aimed at employees in migration social work or employees of public institutions who work with refugees in their day-to-day work. Training courses are offered and implemented here, particularly on the topic of communication.
All project measures are designed to be hybrid so that consultations can be held in person or online. This ensures that people in remote parts of the country can also be supported by the project staff.